The biggest problem in our education system is that of self-centeredness. We teach our children everything but consideration for others. Our children study well, dance well, play games and win; they read books and write essays and a few lucky ones learn to think of others.
The rest? Why, they go through life discontented and unhappy unless things go the way they want them to, every single time.Unfortunately, even when that happens they are not happy. And that is because, in the process of making them 'winners', we have forgotten a very important thing. Winners, too, are human beings. And no human being can be happy unless she has learnt to give of herself to others.
Put aside all those theories of being focussed, single minded in the search for success, being practical or ruthless or whatever else you want to call it. At the end of the day what matters is happiness-and that is irrevocably tied to what we have done for others. I do not speak of being foolish or a doormat; just of taking care of small things, being considerate of family, friends or neighbours... thinking more of 'we' and less of 'I'.
In a world where competition and packages are everything, this may sound stupid, or self-defeating. But this is what I've learnt. Take care of relationships, of things that seem small now- and peace and happiness will follow. It's a simple fact. Not so simple in practice, I know. But when I look around me, I find that all the lonely, unhappy, discontented people are the ones who have been busy with their own lives. They have never had the time to do anything for others. They are the ones for whom the 'I' has been so important that the 'we' has shrunk to nothingness. Or maybe they just put it off for 'tomorrow' which as usual never came.
Being in touch with a lot of young people is rejeuvenating, and scary at the same time. I hear so much dis-satisfaction in the young voice speaking of earning 'only' 50 or 60 or 70 thousand a month. I wonder what that person does, to justify earning that much!!There are more and more gadgets, more and more servants to lighten any kind of drudgery....then why is unhappiness still our lot?
It's not the doing of a task, but the doing for others, which makes it worthwhile. And that feeling of accomplishment on doing something for others cannot really be found anywhere else. Human beings are made like that, I guess. Haven't we always said that man is a social animal?
There are all those arguments- why should I do it when nobody does anything for me etc etc etc. True, maybe. But someone has to start, otherwise our inability to move from our rigid stances will create a pit for us to sink into.
I think I have found the path to be reasonably happy. I hope you do,too. Try this for a while. This is specially for all you Pretty Young Women I meet so often. I have taught you so many poems and shared whatever knowledge I have garnered. Now let me share what I think I have understood of life.
The rest? Why, they go through life discontented and unhappy unless things go the way they want them to, every single time.Unfortunately, even when that happens they are not happy. And that is because, in the process of making them 'winners', we have forgotten a very important thing. Winners, too, are human beings. And no human being can be happy unless she has learnt to give of herself to others.
Put aside all those theories of being focussed, single minded in the search for success, being practical or ruthless or whatever else you want to call it. At the end of the day what matters is happiness-and that is irrevocably tied to what we have done for others. I do not speak of being foolish or a doormat; just of taking care of small things, being considerate of family, friends or neighbours... thinking more of 'we' and less of 'I'.
In a world where competition and packages are everything, this may sound stupid, or self-defeating. But this is what I've learnt. Take care of relationships, of things that seem small now- and peace and happiness will follow. It's a simple fact. Not so simple in practice, I know. But when I look around me, I find that all the lonely, unhappy, discontented people are the ones who have been busy with their own lives. They have never had the time to do anything for others. They are the ones for whom the 'I' has been so important that the 'we' has shrunk to nothingness. Or maybe they just put it off for 'tomorrow' which as usual never came.
Being in touch with a lot of young people is rejeuvenating, and scary at the same time. I hear so much dis-satisfaction in the young voice speaking of earning 'only' 50 or 60 or 70 thousand a month. I wonder what that person does, to justify earning that much!!There are more and more gadgets, more and more servants to lighten any kind of drudgery....then why is unhappiness still our lot?
It's not the doing of a task, but the doing for others, which makes it worthwhile. And that feeling of accomplishment on doing something for others cannot really be found anywhere else. Human beings are made like that, I guess. Haven't we always said that man is a social animal?
There are all those arguments- why should I do it when nobody does anything for me etc etc etc. True, maybe. But someone has to start, otherwise our inability to move from our rigid stances will create a pit for us to sink into.
I think I have found the path to be reasonably happy. I hope you do,too. Try this for a while. This is specially for all you Pretty Young Women I meet so often. I have taught you so many poems and shared whatever knowledge I have garnered. Now let me share what I think I have understood of life.